The New Normal at World Ice Arena

We’re so happy to welcome you all back to the rink after such a lengthy, unexpected hiatus. We hope you all weathered the current storm in good health and are ready to get back on the ice.

Our joy at seeing you won’t, however, distract us from making sure that we all stay healthy. To that end, we have a series of protocols that we’ve set up, in accordance with the CDC and the New York State and Queens County Health Department, which will ensure that you can skate and stay safe.

The following is a comprehensive outline of our safety plan. Please take some time to review it so you’ll know what we want you to expect when you’re back at the rink. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, we’d love to hear them.

World Ice Arena Rink Protocols for Safety On and Off the Ice

  1. Our safety procedures begin even before you come to the rink:
    • All skaters and coaches will sign our Acknowledgement of Risk and General waivers at the time of event purchase
  2. Arriving skaters and coaches will stop at the entrance to check in (to confirm the skaters and coaches presence on our rosters) before gaining rink admittance
  3. A limited capacity is permitted on the ice during any given time slot. No exceptions.
  4. All hockey players and coaches, excluding goalies, must arrive at the rink fully dressed.
  5. Skaters and coaches will enter the rink no sooner than :15 minutes before their event begins, and go to assigned “Staging Area,” sit on benches at designated distances to put on skates (and helmets).
    • Each bench has a blue “X,” each one six feet from the next, to mark those designated distances
  6. Masks are mandatory for all skaters on and off-ice.

We know you understand that it’s necessary. Hopefully, not far down the road, things will reset and we can go back to the “old” normal.

As always, thanks for your help,
World Ice Arena Management Team